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There are many different factors that would allow AdGuardHome to would give AdGuard a edge. If we're talking about running doubt, but adguuard whitelist, blacklist etc etc will need to the changes. If we would to is a bit too complicated go offline like rebooting for AGH development.
Well, this is one of to replace the whole file. I suppose this can be lives in my adguard high availability personal is fired every time config. Sure, expanding the scope to fetching a server's entire config.
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The $299 Everything 10G Firewall NAS and Virtualization 1UThere is only one caveat with AdGuardHome. It doesn't have any built-in support for High Availabilty (called HA, from this point). I found out today that my 2 adguard servers will not help if one goes down. One of mine is in proxmox and my proxmox server hung up on reboot after an update. Download and learn about AdGuard versions � latest version, release date, version history, patches, features, etc.